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时间: 欣欣2 初二英语



  1.Jack plays football ______ than Dick. Jack踢足球比Dick差。

  2.Which is ______, a hen or a chicken?一只母鸡和一只公鸡,哪个更重?

  3.A dictionary is much ___________________.一本词典要比一本故事书贵得多。

  4.My sister is __________________________ I.我姐比我大两岁。

  5.The white shirt is ________ than the yellow one.

  A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D. the cheapest

  6. Which one is ________ , football or basketball?

  A. more popular B. popular C. popularer D. much popular

  7.Now the air in our hometown is _______ than it was before.Something must be done.

  A.much better B.more worse C.more better D.much worse


  1.The ______ you eat, the ______ you will be.你吃的越多,变得越胖。

  2.The noise of traffic grows ______. 交通的噪音变得愈来愈大。

  3.My brother is __________ than me. (高一点儿)


  1.He cannot run so/as ______ as you.(fast)

  2.This bridge is three times as ______(长) as that one.

  3.Japan is not ______ China.


  4.Lily is ______ her sister, Lucy.


  5.The film is as ______ as that one.

  A.more interesting B.the most interesting C.interesting D.interested

  6.I don’t think the park is _______ that one I visited last week.

  A.as more beautiful as B.as beautiful as C.beautiful than D.the most beautiful


  1.I am ______ lazy than I was before.

  A.few B.less C.fewer D.little

  2.This one is ______ than the other one.



  1.---Does she _______ her mother?

  ---No. I think she is like her father.

  A.like B.be like C.look like D.is like


  1._______ _______ to finish the work within three hours.三小时内完成这项工作是不可能的。

  2.________ _____ to read the text early in the morning. 清晨读课文很有好处。

  3 to cross the busy street. 对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。


  1.He didn't ___ ___ his students. 他不关心他的学生们。

  2.He doesn't seem to ____ __ his failure in the exam.他看来对考试不及格并不在乎。

  3.Don't worry. I'll take ____ __ you. 别担心,我会照顾你的。

  4.He failed in the examination, but I don't think he ___ ___ very much.



  1.The boss made Tom ______ long hours.

  A.worked B.to work C.working D.work

  2.His cheerful joke made us ______ our worries.

  A.to forget B.forgot C.forget D.forgets


  1.__ ____(只要)you drive carefully, you will be very safe.

  2.I do not mind __________________. 只要不下雨,我不介意。


  1.His wife ___ ___ all his family members.他的妻子和他的所有家人相处得很好。

  be good at, be good for, be good to, be good with填空:

  2. My little son __ ____ drawing.

  3. My classmates ___ ___ me when I was ill.

  4. Reading more ___ ___ our foreign language learning.

  5. He ___ ___ his neighbors. They always get together to hold a party.