野生动物 wild animals
自由快乐的 free and happy
没门 no way
同情他们 have pity on them
事实上 in fact
处于危险中 be in danger
写一篇报道 write a report
动物世界的大王 the king of the animal world
看起来如此可爱 look so cute
看起来像一只白鼠 look like a white mouse
在四个月大时 at four months old
第一次外出 go outside for the first time
八个月后 eight months later
开始 in the beginning
学着做某事 learn to do sth.
照顾自己 look after oneself
面临严肃的问题 face serious problems
例如 for example
有地方住 have a place to live
有食物吃 have food to eat
采取措施做某事 take action to do sth.
立刻,马上 right now
建立更多的自然保护区 build more reserves
制定法律保护熊猫 make laws to protect pandas
需要为大熊猫做些事 need to do something for giant pandas
生病 get sick
一种特殊的竹子 a special kind of bamboo
竹林 the bamboo forests
变得越来越小 become smaller and smaller
成长得非常快 grow very quickly
走向水 go towards the water
靠近狮子和老虎 go near the lions and tigers
关于野生动物的特别的事 something special about wild animals
计算出容易的数学题 work out easy maths problems
在嘴巴和耳朵的帮助下 with the help of mouth and ears
迷路 get lost
一段短的时间 for a short while
为了他们的皮毛而抓老虎 catch tigers for their fur
身体的其他部分 other parts of the body
对人类危险 be dangerous to humans
有越来越少的生存区域 have fewer and fewer living areas
很抱歉听到那。I’m sorry to hear that.
做出行动保护野生动物 act to protect wild animals
喜欢观鸟 like birdwatching
去集市 go to the market
在市集的鸟 the birds at the market
给他们鸟的描述 give them descriptions of the birds
棕灰色的羽毛brown and grey features
多少种 how many types
谈论你喜欢的鸟 talk about the birds you like
扎龙自然保护区 Zhalong Nature Reserve
在中国东北 in North-east China
为许多野生动物提供食物和栖息地provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife
全年 all year round
短暂停留 for a short stay
导致 lead to
有更多的空间 have more space
有足够的食物吃 have enough food to eat
中国政府 the Chinese government
一年一次 once a year
…的数量 the number of …
记录他们类型和数量的变化 record their types and changes in their numbers
清点并描述鸟 count and describe the birds
理解湿地的重要性 understand the importance of the wetlands
住在大笼子里 live in large cages
学习关于保护野生动物 learn about protecting wildlife
占地面积超过20平方千米 cover an area of over 20 square kilometers
去观鸟 go birdwatching
写下你所看到的 write down what you see
在鸟展上 at bird shows
在他们的诗歌中 in their poems
我们生活的部分 part of our lives
加入观鸟社团 join the birdwatching Society
自我介绍 introduce myself
对。。。感兴趣 be interested in
享受自然界 enjoy the natural world
参加活动 take part in activities
打010-5558 6390找我 call me on 010-5558 6390
发送邮件到…(邮箱)给我 email me at XXX.com
把我的衣服拿给我Bring me my clothes
(状态)没有穿衣服 with nothing on
哪个季节 which season
做某事的最好的时间 the best time to do sth.
在夏天 in summer
放风筝 fly a kite
在花丛中玩 play among flowers
夏天的甜蜜回忆 sweet memories of summer days
水池旁懒洋洋的下午 lazy afternoons by a pool
秋叶 autumn leaves
变成棕色 turn brown
成堆落在地上 fall into piles upon the ground
收获庄稼 harvest crops
温度下降 the temperature drops
离开飞往 fly away to
春天的天气 the weather in spring
突然来到 come suddenly
在一个炎热夏天的下午 on a hot summer afternoon
吃冰淇淋 eat ice cream
上升很快 rise quickly
讨厌雨天 hate rainy days
在每年的这个时候 during this time of year
在不同的地方 in different places
保持零度以上 stay above zero
引起许多问题 cause a lot of problems
有一个短的旅行 have a short trip
穿厚而暖的衣服 wear thick warm clothes
被覆盖在厚而白的雪里 be covered in deep white snow
在外面玩 play outside
打雪仗 have big snowball fights
互相向对方扔雪球 throw snowballs at each other
用胡萝卜做他们的鼻子 use carrots for their noses
漂亮的冰灯 beautiful ice lanterns
进来 come in
听见雨声 hear the rain
醒来 wake up
跟我来 come with me
把水拖干净 mop up the water
学校足球队 school football team
冲走村庄 wash away village
数以千计的人 thousands of people
从树上掉下来 fall from tree
弄伤腿 hurt legs
撞向树 crash into tree
听说关于某事 hear about sth.
发生了什么? What happened?
一场雷电交加的暴风雨 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning
着火 catch fire
感到轻微的晃动 feel a slight shake
听到一声像雷声的巨响 hear a loud noise like thunder
向来自地下的爆炸声 like bombs under the ground
害怕地尖叫,惊叫 scream in fear
跑出建筑物 run out of the building
向四面八方跑去 run in all directions
跳动得很快 beat fast
一瞬间的恐慌 a moment of fear
掠过我的脑海 go through my mind
大喊救命 shout for help
找我的出路 find my way out
搬开砖块 move away the bricks
站在路边 stand on the side of the road
等出租车 wait for a taxi
尽快 as soon as possible
过马路 cross the road
在铁路上 on railways
先做什么 what to do first
去看医生 go and see the doctor
听见风在吹 hear the wind blowing
在公交站台等(车) wait at the bus stop
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