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时间: 泽慧 考研






①Sorry, I didn’t understand/get/catch the question, could you repeat it in another way?(请考官换一种方式来表达)

② Sorry, I didn’t really understand/get/catch what you mean, could you explain the question, please?(请考官解释问题)

③ I’m sorry, I didn’t quitunderstand/get/catch that, could you repeat it for me, please?(请考官再把问题复述一遍)


①Sorry, I didn’t understand/get/catch the word (单词),could you explain it, please?/Sorry, could you please explain the meaning of the (单词)


① I’m afraid that I’m not quite familiar with this topic/field/domain, but from my point of view/in my opinion, 关键词相关内容…

② I can’t really give you an excellent answer, but I guess/perhaps +关键词相关内容…


① Sorry, maybe you mistaken it, could you give me a chance to explain?

②Sorry, I’ll (try to) explain it in a more reasonable/rational way.(老师未理解时)

Excuse me. I guess I didn’t make myself clear. May I explain further?/ May I try to explain myself in another way?

5.如果回答的内容得到了老师们的肯定,要表示感谢,并表达继续努力的决心和态度。不要只知道说Thank you。

① Thank you for your encouragement, I will go further to enrich my knowledge.

② I appreciate your encouragement, I will make a further exploration in this field/topic.


① In regard to…actually, I ever thought about it…

② It’s something like…

③ As you know,…

④ It goes without saying,…




Could you tell something about your hobbies?

Do you have any hobbies that you are proud of?

What’s your favorite hobby?

Describe one of your hobbies?





(1)I like reading biographies, especially those of well-known statesmen, militarists, scientists and artists. I can learn a lot from their life histories.Reading is not like watching TV. Watching TV does not require a process of thinking activities. Reading in a proactive learning process that will make our thinking agile(思维敏捷), so I will keep reading.



What are your core competences?(核心竞争力)/ What do you think about your personal strengths?(特长)/Do you have any particular merits?





(1)I have a strong leadership skill(领导能力) while processing a great team spirit(团队精神).When I was (某个职务), I spent a lot of thoughts and organized many activities. I was responsible for budget and organization. I built (某个组织或团体)like a big family and gained unanimous praise from teachers and classmates.



What do you think about your weaknesses/shortcoming?






(1)Sometimes I have a hard time saying no to people(不太会拒绝), and I end up taking on more than my fair share of the work.But I’m also happy that I can help others. Therefore, I don’t think it’s a complete defect that I don’t know how to refuse others. As long as it’s within my ability, I still hope to reach out(伸出援手) as much as possible.(将缺点包装成优点)



Where are you from?

Would you like to tell some stories about your hometown?

Could you tell something about your hometown?






My hometown is located in…

Let me introduce my hometown…briefly.

I am honored to be here to introduce my hometown…


Beijing is an amazing city, pretty dynamic and vivid. It’s very fun to live in Beijing, particularly for the youngsters. Many top universities and multinational firms can be found in the town. After graduation, you can easily find a decent/glamorous job here.(现代化城市)



Could you tell us something about your family?





Our family is a typical family of three./My family is not big, but very warm and harmonious. There are three people in my family: father, mother and I.(家庭基本情况)My parents have a lot of positive impacts my studies and life. My dad has a good sense of humor, so I am a humorous and optimistic person influenced by my father. I believe that I will deal with difficulties better than those who are pessimistic. Because when a problem arises, I accept it first, and secondly I find a solution quickly rather than immerse myself in pessimism.




What you have learned from your internship experience?

What’s the most difficult thing you have ever faced during your internship experience?






I was an intern/I had an internship at…(实习单位)in…(时间),and as an intern in…(某岗位), my major job was…In this internship, I not only learned a lot of professional knowledge, but also learned how to communicate effectively with leaders, colleagues and users, and learned to deal with interpersonal relationships,because communication and cooperation are very important at work.(谈收获)In the process of internship, I was more interested in…(某专业)and determined to be a practitioner of…(某专业), so I should continue to study for postgraduate in order to improve my education



Please describe your scientific research experience?







(1)你主持或参与的科研项目或者课题名称:In the summer vacation of my junior year, under the guidance of my tutor, I independently undertook a project named…

(2)自己在项目中负责的内容:In this research project, I was mainly responsible for…


My direct achievement is in the process of direct communication with the professors, I have deepened my views on some specific academic issues. In addition, I have also seriously discussed the future research direction with the professor.























