语文知识积累: 与“羊”有关成语及相关英文翻译:
亡羊补牢:better late thannever
成语解读:It’snot late to mend the barn even though the sheep are lost already。
例句:Youshould have apologized earlier, but better late thannever。
与亡羊补牢意思相近的短语有A stitch in time savesnine(一针及时省九针/小洞不补,大洞吃苦),指Ifyou fix a small problem right away, it will not become a biggerproblem later。如果能够适时处理一个小漏洞,就能防微杜渐,事半功倍。例:Let’spatch the roof before that hole gets bigger. A stitch in time savesnine。
顺手牵羊: five-fingerdiscount
成语解读:pick up something on the sly or steal something under cover of anemergency。
例句:Theman gets parts for his motorcycle from the factory using hisfive-finger discount。
马上学:关于偷东西还有一些其他表达: snatch, steal, grab,pick-pocketing。Snatch指迅速夺取,Shesnatched the gun from his hand. Steal表示悄悄地做,偷,例:Thethief didn’t steal money, but a flute and a flute case.Grab表示抢夺,霸占,例:Thedog grabbed away the meat from the man.Pickpocketing指扒窃,例:Surprisingly,pickpocketing is common in some European countries.Pickpocket是名词形式,表示扒手。
羊入虎口:be in deepwater
成语解读:asheep falls into a tiger’s mouth, which describes someone orsomething is in a perilous or dangerous position。
例句:Weare going to be in deep water if the bank refuses to authorize abigger loan。
马上学:其他类似表达还有skating on thin ice和walkingon icy ground,指tobe in a risky situation如履薄冰。例:Itry to stay well informed so I don't end up skating on thin icewhen the teacher asks me aquestion。
替罪羔羊: a scapegoat
成语解读:Aperson who is held responsible for something bad that has happened,although it is not his or her fault。
例句:Shefelt she had been made a scapegoat for her boss’smistake。
马上学:替罪羊还可以用a fall guy表示,事实上这个词来源于运动。“替罪羊”最早指靠摔跤赚钱的人。十九世纪末,摔跤在美国是一项非常受欢迎的运动,但许多比赛结果都是内定的。摔跤比赛中的目标是要把对手的肩膀按倒在地板上。这叫一次击倒。有时,有人会付钱给其中一个摔跤手让他故意被击倒。他会同意成为输家,也就是“替罪羊”。其他相似的表达,如,背黑锅可以说takethe rap,
例:John robbed the bank, but Tom took the rapfor him。
陷害某人是frame someone,
例:He claimed that he had been framed by hisboss。