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时间: 俭聪2 小升初辅导



  2、重要性依次是:读问题 →挑选项→读原文。





  1、需要记住的问题:凡是问题中涉及到原文具体内容信息的问题,记住问题中的原文信息;重点放在记时间,地点,大写的词或者名词上 (原因:名词在文中不容易改变)。要记的信息,能读懂的尽量读懂,实在读不懂的记长相,记中文就可以。记信息的目的是为一会儿读原文做准备(读原文时主要 的目的在于找出问题中记住的内容信息,对映处即为问题答案所在位置),并且在读文章前先对文章内容有一个大概的了解。

  2、不需要记住的问题:问题中没有涉及到原文具体内容的(换句话说就是不能用原文中某一处信息作答的题目)此类的问题有:主旨题(main idea),中心思想题(From the text, we can learn that…),作者态度题(The writer wants to tell us…_)和判断对错题。针对此类问题,读文章前,重点放在含有原文内容信息的题目上,一会儿做题时也是先做划的题目,再做不划的题目


  1、读原文的主要目的:划出解题所需要的内容信息,包括:刚才读问题时脑中记的原文信息(把问题中所问的东西在文中找出来);转折词: but, however, although, though;重点强调的词或是绝对化的词:none, only, all, everything, must, always;数字及序数词。读出整篇文章的大概方向及围绕着什么东西说的。













  (2)除非文章中作者有明显的绝对化的观点出现,否则选项中一旦出现绝对化的修饰词立刻排除(all, none, everything/one, must, only,never,usually, always)



  One day a large rock (岩石) fell down from a mountain. The rock rolled (滚) down and stopped in the middle of a road in a village. It was like a big ball.

  Some of the strongest men in the village tried to lift the rock. They did their best but they couldn't move it away. They tried to push it, they tired to roll it, they tried to pull it with ropes, but nothing worked. "Well," they agreed, "there's nothing we can do about it. We'll have to build another road."

  At the time a young boy about 12 years old was standing by. "Excuse me," he said, "but I think I can help you move the rock."

  "You?" they shouted. "What are you talking about? All of us have just tried, and even together we can't move it at all." The men all laughed at the boy.

  The next morning some people came into the road. One of them shouted, "The rock is gone." More people ran out into the road to see for them-selves. It was true. The rock wasn't on the road any more. It wasn't even near the road. In fact, no one could see the rock anywhere.

  "This is impossible." they said. "Where has it gone?" The twelve-year-old boy stood out, smiling. "I told you I could move it," he said.

  "I did it last night. You see," he said. "I dug a deep hole next to the rock and the rock rolled down into the hole by itself. Then I covered it with the earth."

  1. What happened in the village one day? ________ fell down from the mountain.

  A. A little boy B. A big rock

  C. The strongest men D. Some people

  2. The strongest men in the village could do nothing about the rock because ________.

  A. they were lazy B. they were strong enough

  C. the rock was too big D. they thought someone else could

  3. When the villagers heard the boy's words, they felt ________.

  A. happy B. sad

  C. surprised D. afraid

  4. The next morning, the people in the village found ________.

  A. the boy lost B. no rock on the road

  C. the rock was still there D. the boy was digging a hole

  5. From the story, we know that sometimes children are ________ than men.

  A. stronger B. cleverer

  C. more interesting D. more careful

  答案:B C C B B