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时间: 文桦2 小考作文







  我家一共有四口人,爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和我,但我总觉得自己不是这个家庭的一员,不知道是不是因为我是个女孩,还是因为我学习不够优秀,我是那么的不起眼,我在问:在这个家里,有谁在乎我呀! 放学了,天下着大雨,同学们都回家了,只有我一人站在雨中等待着。看着他们跟爸爸妈妈手牵手,我真的好羡慕,好羡慕„„哥哥十分聪明,很会讨人喜欢,因此,不太爱说话的我,便成为了爱很大人作对的坏孩子。




  Dream home

  Home to me did not seem so intense warmth, I feel the love of family, something I did not even think people care about me, I exist or not seems so unimportant.

  My home a total of four people, father, mother, brother and I, but I do not feel like the family of one, do not know because I'm a girl, or because I learned not good enough, I was so humble, I ask: In this family, who care about me Yeah school, world of heavy rain, the students had gone home, I was the only one standing in the rain waiting for!. Watching them hand in hand with Mom and Dad, I really envy, envy, "" My brother is very smart, very likable, therefore, not very talkative, I became a lot of people against the bad boy love.

  I Lin Zhaoyu home, big people blame me why I came back so late, but never thought, without even looking at the front of this myself, and drenched whether the child had a high fever? My body was cold , but the heart is colder, I have been feeling myself are superfluous, who really cares about me.

  I looked out of the rain, unknowingly fell asleep. In the dream, I love my father and mother, and hurt my brother, perhaps only in a dream, I can smile and laugh once, I really hope he has been dreaming, do not want to wake up.