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  博文的考试如期而至,我忐忑不安的坐在考场上,迎接着我升入中学的转折点的到来,这一次的作文题目“为 喝彩”。别人的题目大多都是“为他人喝彩”,“为爸爸喝彩”,“为叔叔喝彩”……我独树一帜,用大气的楷体字写下了“为自己喝彩”这五个大字时,心中也不禁为之一震,从出生到现在,我经历过一次次的磨难,一次次危险的死里逃生,我真的真的成长了,蜕变了,稳重了。










  First long small rise

  Following the college entrance examination in early June, in the middle of the exam, most people talked about is the small rise in early examination, and referred quiz.

  This is a war of no smoke - school students snatch war, secretly competing with the parents and teachers ...... these are an essential part of a small rise in early.

  Since elementary school last semester, we are crazy to buy a set of papers to do, like a high aspirations - only me, the June maverick squad has six classes, has its own different plan ......

  Last summer, three successive transfer's best friend, my heart, I have not been smoothed over, and this time hit, so my grades plummeted, score kicked me from the throne first place on the fifteenth of the bench ...... again and again deliberation, leaving stronger I become stronger, to buy a set of papers, and no headlines, still does not change the past respectful, even seem out of the six · six classes of "Storm rivers and lakes."

  Finally, the mid-term exam, I again set foot on the results of the full A top spot - no wreaths, no pride, do not let anyone know, because this is not enough.

  It was, many people apply for the best junior Tai'an City - Taian Bo Secondary School. I ignored his family made right, no hesitation, resolutely reported on the name.

  Pro month before the exam, when students are beginning impetuous time, when students are to discuss the graduation ceremony held at how, when teachers are tired, began to relax when I see it every day, sleepless nights on textbooks knowledge of the day but do not let the papers 7,8 parents know, know how tired I am - and the spirit of co-existence with the pressure - tired heart. If this time without success - not, certainly, the Li Xinyue, you work so much, we must achieve the desired goals in your heart, do not, you are willing locally on a so-called high school it? You willing to do ...... I silently said to myself.

  Bowen exam predictable, I uneasy sitting on the examination room, to greet the arrival of a turning point in my secondary school, this time in the essay entitled "to cheers." Others are mostly subject "for others cheer", "cheering for the father," and "Uncle cheers" ...... I'm unique, with atmospheric italics wrote "for their own cheer" five characters, the heart can not help startled, from birth to now, I've been through a time of suffering, time and time again survived dangerous, I really, really grow up, transformation, and sedate the.

  Natural coherent essay, a few days later, I received a Bowen school admission notice sent. The candidates Bowen, our school year is almost six hundred people out in force, and finally admitted to ten, my heart finally relieved a lot.

  Graduation exams coming up, I do not agree with a friend to attend the graduation exam, have said, has been admitted to the Bowen is not necessary, if the test well too bad, not as conservative. But I was ignored, still adhere to - just to be worthy of my beloved math teacher.

  Walked complex steps, still so respectful of me, but this time not a good feeling in their hearts ......

  Leading performance that day, I general is A, 96 languages, mathematics 99, math teacher, I really did not live up to your expectations, this result is the highest score in regular classes now!

  The teacher praised me, not because of the results, but said: "The students, living this six years, give us the deepest impression is served six years 李欣悦 squad, she is recognized elected by good monitor six years, Li Xinyue has been paid a lot of hard work for everyone. is an upright, it will be doing things, very good good squad leader, now, we are not the applause given to her? 'words have not yet finished, the applause as Jubilee like rang, I had tearful, my mind floated a familiar face. Because after school, I would not with everyone on the local II ......

  Two small rise in early examination of pregnant also sad, this is destined to decide the friends I am going to break up, leaving six · six classes of arms, nose, can not help but sour ......

  However, this seems to be the time played Lagerstroemia Ruby and say: "This is not the end, but another new beginning."

  Let us take a new look to meet new beginning.