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  Father's love

  Father as a mountain, tall and majestic; fatherly love water, clear and sweet; father fiery, passionate and severe. In our lives, not as good as maternal great father, he was small and ordinary; fatherly motherly love is better profound, it marks a shallow life in India under; fatherly motherly love as good as beautiful, it spread in life bit by bit .

  That morning, the north wind whistling crazy. With lightning speed spilled bottle clouds filled the sky. I am ready to go early on school enrollment all, looking out the weather could not help grimacing, his father saw him, waved his hand and said: "! Do not worry, Dad take you." I immediately jumped three feet high with delight.

  My father took me into the parking lot, I feel like a suddenly from the mountains fall into the abyss. I saw my father step onto a dilapidated old bike, iron stains on the bike track, the wheels stained rotting sludge, emitting waves of unpleasant odor. I do not ask do not want to sit in the back seat, feet carefully try to avoid the sludge. Bike up front as he looks the same as before slowly move forward. Bursts of roaring wind brought coolness. I thought to myself, this will be late, too bad! Zaozhidaojiu do not take the car up! Father's voice suddenly heavy head came: "My child, cold?" I hesitated, looked about to answer, but saw his father, he was wearing only a long T-shirt, bare arms exposed shivering in the cold. I stayed for a while, tears of guilt surplus of eyes. I warble asked his father: "Dad, you how cold it is not wearing a shirt??" "Dad is not cold," my father in front of a firm tone with a hint of tenderness, a long long time echoed in heaven and earth! Room.

  "Father is not cold!" This sentence is not the father? Yes! ! What the father is? Father is that bike, fatherly love is that T-shirt, the father is the phrase "Daddy is not cold!", The heart, in the cold seemed to have a fire in the burning ......

  I and my father my father was a man fond of gardening, factory uncles call him "old flower fans." I probably influenced by his father, also fell in love with the flowers, the factory his father's uncle called the "flower fan."

  Last year, the factory built a greenhouse father, did not buy any good flower, plant leaders on proposals of the employees to get from home to spend the factory, willing to send send willing to sell, sell. Father listened to this advice, go home with me to discuss. I said: "That's what we sell pot of it?" The father mysteriously said:. "Can you guess," I mean a pot of Chlorophytum hand, his father shook his head, I mean a bowl peony, my father shook his head ...... row refers to a dozen pots, father or he kept shaking his head. This time I did not so much patience. "Which in the end selling pot it?" Father smiled and did not speak, just pointing bud hibiscus.

  I was surprised to see. This basin Fuso, but my father's favorite, how the factory can sell it? Father does not kidding? I quickly asked: "Do you really want to sell Fuso?" My father said:. "Sell, I do not sell this basin," I listened to suddenly surprised:!?! "What do you want to give me the factory does not ! Give 'father listened, said: "This flower can only be at home for our family to watch, and if in the factory, and that all workers in the rest of the time you can watch the" listened to his father, I said nothing. I know my father was a loving plants such as home, reluctantly agreed.

  Fast forward two weeks later, one afternoon my father said to me: "Tomorrow, we plant flower show organized, you are welcome to visit." Hearing this, they brought back my thoughts of love hibiscus, he did not speak. My father said: "You must go, it was going to make you wear a red flower it!" "What to me to wear saffron" I stared in surprise??. Father smiled and said:. "Tomorrow you will know."

  The next afternoon, I went to the factory with his father with a question mark. We just sit down, heard the President of the General Assembly declared: "It took two fans, nurture them ten years hibiscus, flowering in time to give the factory." I listened, his face flushed with shame. My father and I stood on the podium wearing a big red flower, in the side of the window stood a blooming hibiscus. It seemed so red in the sun, so brilliant.

  Suddenly, I felt his chest spend far tis lovely father chest. I shame shame, thought: I must be accountable to his father to learn, let me chest flower more red, more brilliant.