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  有人说:“成功者永不放弃,放弃者决不成功!” 也有人说:“放弃是一种永远的解脱,轻装上阵方能成功!” 这里有两个故事:一是说“成功源于坚持”的。据说在第二次世界大战时,英国牛津大学邀请邱吉尔来校为师生作演讲,邱吉尔在这里发表了他演讲史上时间最短,也是最脍炙人口的一次演讲。他上台后只说了一句话,“我成功的秘诀有三个:第一是Never give up!第二是Never, never give up!第三是Never, never, never give up!”沉默了大约一分种后,全场师生猛然醒悟,爆发出热烈而又持久的掌声。“Never give up”,就是“绝不放弃”的意思。“绝不放弃,绝不绝不绝不放弃”——这既是邱吉尔的成功秘诀,更是邱吉尔毕生恪守的人生誓言,正是他的“绝不放弃希望 ”,支撑了他一生的信念,并使他取得了最后的成功……

  还有一个是说“有一种智慧,叫做放弃”的。有一个年轻人,很想在什么方面都比别人强,他尤其想成为一名大学问家。可是,很多年过去了,他的学业没有长进。他很苦恼,就去向一个大师求教。大师说:“我们登山吧,到了山顶你就知道如何做了。”那山上有许多晶莹的小石头,非常好看。每次见到他喜欢的石头,大师就让他装进袋子里,很快,他就吃不消了。“大师,这样背下去,我可再也走不动了。 ” “是呀,那该怎么办呢?”大师微微一笑,“是啊,该放下了。再不放下,就不能登上山了。”年轻人一愣,忽觉心中一亮,立即向大师道谢。之后,他一心做学问,最终成了一名大学问家……



  Retreat properly in order to succeed

  Someone said: "winners never give up, never give up those success!" It was also said: "! Never give up is a relief, without reservation can be successfully" There are two stories: one says "success stems insistent. It is said that during World War II, Churchill invited to Oxford University to the school for students and teachers to make a speech, where Churchill delivered his speech in the history of the shortest and most popular speech. After taking office, he only said one sentence, "The secret of my success is threefold:!!! Never give up first, second, Never, never give up third is Never, never, never give up" about a minute of silence the latter, the audience of teachers and students suddenly wake up, broke into loud and sustained applause. "Never give up", is "never give up" means. "Never give up, never never never give up" - This is Churchill's secret of success, it is Churchill Bi Shengke keep life oath, it was his "never give up hope", support the belief of his life, and so he made the final success ......

  There is a saying "there is a kind of wisdom, called give up". There is a young man, he wanted stronger than others in terms of what he wanted to be a particular problem at home. However, many years later, his studies did not grow. He was very distressed, they whereabouts of a master neighborhoods. Master said: "We mountaineering it, to the top of the hill you will know how to do." That mountain has many small crystal stones, very nice. Every time I see his favorite stone, the master let him put into the bag, and soon, he would much. "Master, this back down, I can no longer walk." "Yes, then how to do it?" The Master smiled, "yes ah, the put down. Do not put down, you can not board the hill." Young surprised a moment, the vision is sometimes a bright mind, immediately thanks to the Masters. After that, he bent scholarship, eventually became a problem at home ......

  Students who read more than two stories, if you already know what? Yes ah, how should we understand the true meaning of success, we wonder, how to get their own success? When we in the end of the stick, when to give up?