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  今天学习啦小编要与大家分享的是:小升初作文范文:重庆夜景 ;内容仅供阅读参考,希望对大家有所帮助;






  Chongqing night

  Gradually the sun goes down, the sky has been dyed a fiery red sunset. This glow bright red, like clusters of burning flame. It took the young child's face shine than red apples still red. Big white dog into a red, the red hen become golden, and black birds become red sandalwood color, it is really very beautiful!

  As night fell, the road on both sides of the street is like a flower in full bloom in this dark night inside. Fingertips, the entire Chongqing are lit up, become illuminated. Both sides of the bright lights shining on the broad road, standing on a hilltop overlooking downward, like a strip of shiny dragon, really spectacular ah!

  Moonlight enriched, I do not know when a bright moon hanging in the sky in dark blue, curved like a sickle. Moon put it glorious sprinkling the earth, so the earth is full of warm moonlight, feeling amorous. Naughty little star also ran out, blinked, very cute! With the moon and the stars, accompanied by deep silence of the night sky is no longer appear, but more lively. Lights, stars, moonlight each other, simply can not describe with words. Chongqing night really beautiful!