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时间: 文桦2 小考作文


  今天学习啦小编想要和大家分享的是:小升初作文:自己内心的声音 ;内容仅供参考阅读,希望大家能够喜欢;








  Own inner voice

  Listen to our own inner voice, go its own way, whatever others may say! Not others, and not abandoned youth, along the way we choose to go, I believe that every one can get out of their own Walk of Fame.

  When outside interference so that we lost the way, lost power, then we might stop and listen to your inner voice, and make unremitting efforts toward the established goals. All times, adhere to the heart, the achievements of people too numerous to mention.

  Lev. Tolstoy was born in a noble family, if he would obey their parents sitting arrangement enormously wealthy man, but he was not carried away by money and fame, but chose to listen to your heart. He chose the literary creation, leaving a "War and Peace" and other literary classics, became a literary giants.

  Bill. Gates by their own efforts admitted to Harvard University. During the study, he found that their talents can not be developed at the school, so he listen to his heart, decided to quit school to engage in computer research interest. Later, he founded Microsoft, the world's richest man has become a household name.

  We admire Mr. Lu wanted to study medicine to relieve the suffering of patients, changing people be ridiculed as "sick man of Asia" fate. But studying in Japan, he was shocked by the spirit of the people numb. Even with strong physique, thought is insensitive, robust what is the use? He listened to his heart, the decision from medicine. Since then, his pen as a weapon, and the dark reality of unyielding struggle. He used to do literature medicine, healing people numb the mind. He awakened the sleeping countless souls, and finally became a star in the history of dazzling.