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时间: 炎婷2 英语答案


  A.To emphasize the variety of environments in which people used sun and water clocks to telltime.

  B.To illustrate the disadvantage of sun and water clocks.

  C.To provide an example of an area where water clocks have an advantage over sun clocks.

  D.To counter the claim that sun and water clocks were used all over Europe.

  2.According to paragraph 2, all of the following are examples of the importance oftimekeeping to medieval European society EXCEPT

  A.the need of different towns to coordinate timekeeping with each other.

  B.the setting of specific times for the opening and closing of markets.

  C.the setting of specific time for the start and finish of the working day.

  D.the regulation of the performance of daily church rituals.

  3.According to paragraph 2, why did the medieval church need an alarm arrangement?

  A.The alarm warned the monks of discord or strife in the town.

  B.The church was responsible for regulating working hours and market hours.

  C.The alarm was needed in case fires were not put out each night.

  D.One of the church's daily rituals occurred during the night.

  4.The word "authoritative" in the passage(paragraph 2)is closest in meaning to





  5.The author uses the phrase "the timekeeper of last resort" to refer to

  A.water clocks.

  B.the sun.

  C.mechanical clocks.

  D.the church.

  6.The word "rudimentary" in the passage(paragraph 3)is closest in meaning to





  7.According to paragraph 4, how did the Catholic Church react to the introduction ofmechanical clocks?

  A.Its used mechanical clocks through the period of urban collapse.

  B.It used clocks to better understand natural phenomena, like equinoxes.

  C.It tried to preserve its own method of keeping time, which was different from mechanical-clock time.

  D.It used mechanical clocks to challenge secular, town authorities.

  8.The word "installed" in the passage(paragraph 4)is closest in meaning to


  B.expected by the majority of people.


  D.put in place.

  9.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that medieval clockmakers

  A.were able to continually make improvements in the accuracy of mechanical clocks.

  B.were sometimes not well respected by other engineers.

  C.sometimes made claims about the accuracy of mechanical clocks that were not true.

  D.rarely shared their expertise with other engineers.

  10.Paragraph 5 answers which of the following questions about mechanical clocks.

  A.How did early mechanical clocks work?

  B.Why did the design of mechanical clocks affect engineering in general?

  C.How were mechanical clocks made?

  D.What influenced the design of the first mechanical clock?

  11.The word "pioneers" in the passage isclosest in meaning to





  12.According to paragraph 6, how did the mechanical clock affect labor?

  A.It encouraged workers to do more time-filling busywork.

  B.It enabled workers to be more task oriented.

  C.It pushed workers to work more hours every day.

  D.It led to a focus on productivity.